特別講演会 / 2013年07月03日
日本ファイナンス学会とアジアファイナンス学会の公式英文ジャーナルであるInternational Review of Financeは、早稲田大学ファイナンス研究センターとの共催で、日本市場をテーマにしたコンファレンスを下記の要領にて開催いたします。会員の皆様にはふるって参加たまわりますようお願い申し上げます。
会場:早稲田大学日本橋キャンパス ホール
中央区日本橋1-4-1 コレド日本橋5階
テーマ:Japanese Financial Markets: Corporate Finance, Institutions, and Investments
Currency Carry Trades and Funding Risk Sara Ferreira Filipe, Luxembourg School of Finance
Matti Suominen, Aalto University
Discussant: Masahiro Watanabe, University of Alberta
Japan is not Different: Evidence on Conditional Momentum
Matthias Hanauer, Technische Universität München
Discussant: Kuo-Chiang (John) Wei, HKUST
Does the Japanese Consolidated Taxation System Help Encourage High-Risk Investment?
Masanori Orihara, Japanese Ministry of Finance
Hideshi Itoh, Hitotsubashi University
Discussant: Akiko Watanabe, University of Alberta
Another Determinant of Household Leverage: Evidence from Japan’s Mortgage Loan Data
Mamoru Nagano, Seikei University
Dong-Ho Yeom, Hosei University
Discussant: Jay Hartzell, University of Texas at Austin
What Determines CDS Prices? Evidence from the Estimation of Protection Demand and Supply
Daisuke Miyakawa, Development Bank of Japan
Shuji Watanabe, Nihon University
Discussant: Hong Yan, University of South Carolina
Long-run effects of minimum trading unit reductions on stock prices
Naoto Isaka, Sophia University
Discussant: Matthias Hanauer, Technische Universität München
The Streaming News Effect on InvestorBehavior surrounding Analyst Stock Revision Announcement
Takahiro Azuma, Japan Science and Technology Agency
Katsuhiko Okada, Kwansei Gakuin University Institute of Business and Accounting
Yukinobu Hamuro, Kwansei Gakuin University Institute of Business and Accounting
Discussant: Sara Ferreira Filipe, Luxembourg School of Finance
“Volatility Anomaly” in the Japanese Equity Market and the Behavior of Foreign Institutional and Domestic Individual Investors
Seiichiro Iwasawa, The NUCB Graduate School
Tomonori Uchiyama, Quantitative Research Department, Nomura Securities Co., Ltd.
Discussant: Chu Zhang, HKUST